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AEON International Ltd

Headquartered in Billington, UK with strategically sited production facilities around the world Aeon International Ltd is a leading designer and manufacturer of superior, advanced design valves for the water and gas industries. Through new generation valve technology Aeon offers a step-change in performance and is distinguished from other valve manufacturers by superior performance and reliability which has put Aeon a generation ahead of other valve manufacturers and has paved the way for partnerships with some of the world’s largest utilities.

AEON International have Kitemark licences for both Water Valves (EN1074.1 & 2) and Gas Valves (GIS-V7). AEON chose to gain Kitemark certification for several reasons but largely because of its trust and integrity. Stephen Toas, Quality Manager at AEON says that he anticipates that the Kitemark award will help them increase sales, take advantage of new opportunities and new markets, give AEON a competitive advantage and demonstrate a robust Quality Management System.